Geschiedenis en Cultuur

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Geschiedenis en Cultuur
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens

Battle of Britain
The official web site of the battle of britain

Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
William caxton's two editions of chaucer's canterbury tales. view the original canterbury tales online and find out about caxton's life and the history of printing and publishing.

De Ruyter in Chatham
De tocht naar chatham, deze stichting beoogt de nagedachtenis van lt.adm de ruyter levend te houden en te bevorderen, door zoveel mogelijk informatie over nederlands grootste admiraal in brede kring bekendheid te geven

Moord op Thomas à Becket
Eye witness account of the murder of the archbishop of canterbury.

Martello Torens
The south coast martello towers charts the history, construction, siting and individual history of each of the 74 english south coast martello towers

The Cinque Ports
The cinque ports official internet site. a wealth of information, contacts and links particualr connections to these historical ports in the ancient county of kent, england.

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